Mitchell Organization Ltd.,
can organize export financing to buyers of Canadian capital goods and services. With our
export financing in place, you can offer your international buyers flexible financing and
payment options to increase your competitive advantage. For additional finance enquiries contact:
Brian Wilkinson
Direct Loans
Direct loans are a financing arrangement through Mitchell Organization Ltd., on behalf buyer, or a borrower
on behalf of a buyer, for a predetermined transaction. Loans usually involve large transactions with long
repayment terms.
Lease Back
Lease Rental Contracts are a financial vehicle arrangement through Mitchell Organization Ltd., on behalf buyer, or a borrower
on behalf of a buyer, for a predetermined transaction. Lease Rental Contracts usually involve small to medium transactions
with short repayment terms.
Line of Credit
Mitchell Organization Ltd. can arrange to have lend money to a foreign bank, institution, or purchaser,
which then onlends the necessary funds to foreign purchasers of Canadian goods and services.
Equity Investments
Through our Equity Program, Mitchell Organization Ltd., can arrange for equity investors in transactions that generate direct,
substantial, identifiable, export-related benefits to Canada.
To find out more: To find out how you can export without risking your bottom line, offer your buyer more attractive
payment terms, and access more working capital, please contact us today.
Letters Of Credit & Bank Payment Orders for Oil and Energy Transactions
Trade Finace Services for Oil, Gas, and Commodities Transactions
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