Yellow Corn

425,000 Metric Tons (MT) of non GMO Yellow Corn

Total Volume: 425,000 Metric Tons of none GMO Yellow Corn
Price: Negotiable priced per Metric Ton
Initial Shipment: 10,000 Metric Tons
Second Shipment: 20,000 Metric Tons
Third Shipment: 20,000 Metric Tons
Next Shipments: up to 62,500 Metric Tons
Buyer Agent Commissions: Negotiable per Metric Ton open
Monthly Amount: 50,000 to 62,500 Metric Tons per month
Sale Terms Seller: CIF any World Port accepting Yellow Corn off load and Storage
Sale Terms Buyer: Inrevocable Letter of Credit from World Bank required


Yellow Corn Bulk

120,000 to 240,000 Metric Tons (MT) of non GMO Yellow Corn

Total Volume: 120,000 to 240,000 Metric Tons of none GMO Yellow Corn
Price: Negotiable priced per Metric Ton
Initial Shipment Size: 10,000 Metric Tons
Next Shipments: 20,000 Metric Tons
Buyer Agent: Negotiable per Metric Ton open
Monthly Amount: 10,000 to 20,000 Metric Tons per month
Sale Terms Seller: CIF any World Port accepting Yellow Corn off load and Storage
Sale Terms Buyer: Inrevocable Letter of Credit from World Bank required


Yellow Corn 50 kg Bags

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